Quality |  policy


Seeking the satisfaction of our customers

Zanini Renk, a national company specialized in the Development and manufacture of gearheads, couplings, machining, assembly, thermic treatment and technical assistance services, establishes a commitment with the Policy of the Integrated Management System, by establishing the following guidelines:

Search enhancement of the satisfaction of our clients, by means of continuous improvement of the assistance provided, processes, products, services and costs;

Protecting the environment, by means of the adoption of actions preventing environmental impacts and compliance with the applicable environmental legislation, mainly the laws dealing with air emissions, use and disposal of water and final waste disposal.

ISO 14001 AND ISO 9001 Certifications

Petrobras Certification 
standard API 613 and 677 – American Petroleum Institute

Zanini Renk is certified by the API – American Petroleum Institute for design and manufacture of turbo gearheads for demanding and high risk applications. The company is duly registered and approved by the CRCC of Petrobras for selling, design and manufacture of API 613 and API 677 gearheads.

Policy of the Quality
Management System

Zanini Services declares its commitment with the Clients’ satisfaction, with operational efficiency and quality of its products and services, establishing the following guidelines: 



Treat the Client respectfully, tightening the relationship by means of personalized assistance and contributing to make it seen as a reference of performance and efficiency.


Have an active participation, engaged in the Development and implementation of the Quality Management System, in the fulfillment of its requirements and its improvement.


Develop continuously actions in order to train its employees, understanding that personal and professional growth, added to organizational effectiveness, reflect directly on the quality of products and services, also providing a favorable environment for work as a team.

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Zanini Renk

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